Maandelijks archief: maart 2009

Hup. 5

Uit het Time-interview met Vladimir Poetin (in 2007 uitgeroepen tot Person of the Year) – Time: You must feel lucky that the price of oil is so high. – Poetin: Fools are lucky. We work day and night!

Geplaatst in Hupomnēmata, Uncategorized | 1 reactie


It struck me as I waited that all great enterprises are about logistics. Not genius or inspiration or flights of imagination, skill or cunning, but logistics. Building pyramids or landing spacecraft on Jupiter or invading whole continents or painting divine … Lees verder

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As the big toe of a saint’s statue gradually disappears under the onslaught of his devotees’ kisses, so the Big Toe of reality dissolves slowly but inexorably under perpetual exposure to the continuous Kiss of mankind. The higher the density … Lees verder

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